• 昊子
    2018/11/3 5:46:32

    Rick is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles, California. While he's successful in his career, his life feels empty.


    I. The Moon - Della, a rebellious young woman. 被殖

    Rick is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles, California. While he's successful in his career, his life feels empty.


    I. The Moon - Della, a rebellious young woman. 被殖民的少女。剥削的消费品。一声叹息

    II. The Hanged Man - His brother Barry and father Joseph. 暴力表达,又爱又恨。伤痛。

    III. The Hermit - Tonio, an amoral playboy. 班德拉斯,名符其实。特别喜欢狗咬球却咬不到的镜头。

    IV. Judgment - His physician ex-wife Nancy. 布兰切,脆弱富同情心。

    V. The Tower - Helen, a serene model. 瑜伽。自我保护意识。

    VI. The High Priestess - Karen, a spirited, playful stripper. 高潮。在LV。奇妙的舞者

    VII. Death - Elizabeth, a married woman with whom he has a relationship and who becomes pregnant with a child that may be his. 京都。

    VIII. Freedom - Isabel, an innocent who helps him see a way forward. 新的剥削,永远…

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