

  • 美国
  • 别名:Carole Penny Marshall、彭妮?马歇尔
  • 外文名:
  • 身高:168cm
  • 星座:天秤座
  • 人气:0°
  • 介绍:Penny was known in her family as "the bad one"... because not only did she walk on the ledge of her familys apartment building, but she snuck into the movies as a child and even dated a guy named "Lefty." She attended a private girls high school in New York and then went to the University of New Mexico for 2 1/2 years. There, Penny got pregnant with daughter, Tracy Reiner, and soon after married the father, Michael Henry, in 1961. The couple divorced two years later in 1963. She worked as a secretary for awhile. Her first film debut came from her brother Garry Marshall, who put her in the movie How Sweet It Is! (1968) with the talented Debbie Reynolds and James Garner. She also did a dandruff commercial with Farrah Fawcett - the casting people, of course, giving Farrah the part of the "beautiful girl" and Penny the part of the "plain girl." This only added to Pennys insecurity with her looks.
    She then married Rob Reiner on April 10, 1971, shortly after getting her big TV break as Oscar Madisons secretary, Myrna Turner, on The Odd Couple (1970). She also played Mary Richards neighbor, Paula Kovacks, on Mary Tyler Moore (1970) for a couple of episodes. However, her Laverne & Shirley (1976) fame came when her brother needed two women to play "fast girls" who were friends of Arthur Fonzarelli and would date Fonzie and Richie Cunningham on Happy Days (1974). Penny had been working on miscellaneous writing projects ("My Country Tis Of Thee", a bicentennial spoof for Francis Ford Coppola and "Paper Hands" about the Salem Witch Trials) with writing partner Cindy Williams. Cindy happened to be a friend and ex-girlfriend of Henry Winklers, so Garry asked the two to play the parts of these girls. The audience saw their wonderful chemistry, and loved them so much, a spin-off was created for them.


  • Penny was known in her family as "the bad one"... because not only did she walk on the ledge of her familys apartment building, but she snuck into the movies as a child and even dated a guy named "Lefty." She attended a private girls high school in New York and then went to the University of New Mexico for 2 1/2 years. There, Penny got pregnant with daughter, Tracy Reiner, and soon after married the father, Michael Henry, in 1961. The couple divorced two years later in 1963. She worked as a secretary for awhile. Her first film debut came from her brother Garry Marshall, who put her in the movie How Sweet It Is! (1968) with the talented Debbie Reynolds and James Garner. She also did a dandruff commercial with Farrah Fawcett - the casting people, of course, giving Farrah the part of the "beautiful girl" and Penny the part of the "plain girl." This only added to Pennys insecurity with her looks.
    She then married Rob Reiner on April 10, 1971, shortly after getting her big TV break as Oscar Madisons secretary, Myrna Turner, on The Odd Couple (1970). She also played Mary Richards neighbor, Paula Kovacks, on Mary Tyler Moore (1970) for a couple of episodes. However, her Laverne & Shirley (1976) fame came when her brother needed two women to play "fast girls" who were friends of Arthur Fonzarelli and would date Fonzie and Richie Cunningham on Happy Days (1974). Penny had been working on miscellaneous writing projects ("My Country Tis Of Thee", a bicentennial spoof for Francis Ford Coppola and "Paper Hands" about the Salem Witch Trials) with writing partner Cindy Williams. Cindy happened to be a friend and ex-girlfriend of Henry Winklers, so Garry asked the two to play the parts of these girls. The audience saw their wonderful chemistry, and loved them so much, a spin-off was created for them.



20岁不到,潘妮便放弃了学业,有了自己的第一段婚姻。可惜,这段婚姻仅持续了三年不到,黯然神伤的潘妮带着女儿翠西回到了纽约家中,投靠哥哥盖瑞,在后者主理的一些电视作品中演些小配角 。







卡洛尔·潘妮·马歇尔的父亲安东尼·马歇尔从事电影导演、制片工作,母亲是踢踏舞老师。比潘妮稍长几岁的姐姐罗妮是电视制作人,比她年长九岁的哥哥盖瑞·马歇尔,曾执导过《风月俏佳人》《公主日记》等卖座片的著名导演,于2016年去世 。

潘妮的第二任丈夫是著名导演罗伯·莱纳,曾执导《伴我同行》《当哈利遇上莎莉》《义海雄风》等片 。




潘妮·马歇尔是当仁不让的好莱坞女导演的先行者,虽然作品数量不多,但作为一个从演员转行至导演的女性,潘妮·马歇尔在好莱坞所取得的成就,足以令世人瞩目 。(1905电影网评)

从电视剧女演员到商业片女导演,潘妮·马歇尔横跨影视两界,均获得巨大成功 。(澎湃新闻网评)
