[7] ,克莱尔·弗兰妮[7] 个人资料,克莱尔·弗兰妮[7] ,克莱尔·弗兰妮[7] 电视剧,克莱尔·弗兰妮[7] 电影,克莱尔·弗兰妮[7] 综艺节目"> [7] 个人资料记录克莱尔·弗兰妮[7] 的个人详细信息,身高,血型,微博账号,个人写真图片生活照,以及演过的电影和电视剧作品,参加过的综艺节目等重要信息,是认识了解克莱尔·弗兰妮[7] 最好的地方。">
Claire Forlani was born in the United Kingdom and grew up in London. Educated at Arts Educational School, she moved to the United States with her parents Pier Luigi and Barbara Forlani when she was 19 and began starring in films.Claire has had leading roles in such films as 第六感生死缘 (1998), 轻狂岁月 (1996), 勇闯夺命岛 (1996), 神秘兵团 (1999), 耍酷一族 (1995), 反托拉斯行动 (2001), 挡不住的爱妹 (2000), The Medallion, 在屋顶上流浪 (2007), 傻瓜的倒叙 (2008) and 足球流氓 (2005).Some of … 更多>>