• 由律子
    2023/1/19 14:09:45
    把这部电影和花束放在一起说 我觉得花束并不就是假性恋爱 编剧也许只是给两人的一见钟情 加上了有很多很多共同爱好这个buff而已。毕竟就像一些评论里说的,如果没有奇妙的磁性吸引 说不清道不明的“感觉”加持的话,两个人也不可能在一起那么久。花束般的恋爱就是, 再怎么样百...  (展开)
    把这部电影和花束放在一起说 我觉得花束并不就是假性恋爱 编剧也许只是给两人的一见钟情 加上了有很多很多共同爱好这个buff而已。毕竟就像一些评论里说的,如果没有奇妙的磁性吸引 说不清道不明的“感觉”加持的话,两个人也不可能在一起那么久。花束般的恋爱就是, 再怎么样百...  (展开)
  • 爱吃西瓜的静喵
    2019/8/13 10:46:44









  • KK胤记
    2021/10/3 15:35:02


    总第1集 烦恼的生日:讲老一辈广东人对外地媳妇的不待见。

    总第2集 撞板媒人:讽刺了婚宴介绍所的“相亲托”现象。


    总第1集 烦恼的生日:讲老一辈广东人对外地媳妇的不待见。

    总第2集 撞板媒人:讽刺了婚宴介绍所的“相亲托”现象。

    总第3集 拉郎配:忘记了。

    总第4集 婚姻合同:借婚姻合同讨论男女平等的议题,刘涛是进步女性的代表。

    总第5集 老大当婚:老实憨厚的康祈光娶了河南赴广东打工妹子香兰。我比较感慨的是同是一个爹妈生的,为什么阿光和阿祖的风格大相径庭。阿光和阿祖的对比也反映了老一辈婚恋观已不适应现在这个变化风云涌动的新时代,男性和女性的思想观念都在发生急剧变化。

    总第6集 争房喜剧:西关大屋,一户一居。还是搬出去住好!

    总第7集 婚礼进行曲:祈耀和幸子结婚,帅哥美女配。不得不说20年前的幸子在这部剧的穿衣确实挺不错,当年的时尚放到现在依然适用。

    总第8集 上海亲戚:地域黑进行到底,讽刺上海人精打细算,结尾有反转。

    总第9集 粤菜培训班:表面上介绍了外来媳妇融入本地文化(饮食),实则讽刺了老一辈广东人疯狂迷信“药食同源”,这吃不得、那吃不得,这个热气、那个中毒的说法。可悲的是,20年后还是如此,科普工作任重而道远。

    总第10集 老婆是人家的好:妙禅吃醋离家出走,第二次把老公作没了,临街感慨,预想自己离婚后落魄的窘况,符合潮汕地区的传统女性视角。

    总第11集 被俘有线网:一家人抢电视看。

    总第12集 中奖如中招:讽刺当时社会的中奖诈骗骗局,也讽刺了“ 黄皮树了哥 —— 唔熟唔食”的自己坑自己现象。20年过去,骗术有的是不断升级,却永远无法停止。

    总第13集 闯荡广州(上)总第14集 闯荡广州(中)总第15集 闯荡广州(下)这三集讲的是河南妹子来广州闯荡的故事,非常感人,也非常值得钦佩,很多人靠着这样一股劲挣得了自己的第一桶金。看着女主人公身上永远乐观、永远不服输的劲,我想到我妈妈,也是这样赚来了自己的第一桶金。

  • 139001162
  • 此地无盈三百两
    2015/10/26 3:24:37
    Ten Brothers
     Main Characters
    Kenix Kwok, Frankie Lam, Leila Tong, Nancy Wu, Liu Kai Chi
    Chris Lai Lok Yi - 1st brother - "Thousand Mile Eye"
    Lam Yuen Ying - 2nd brother - "Following W
     Main Characters
    Kenix Kwok, Frankie Lam, Leila Tong, Nancy Wu, Liu Kai Chi
    Chris Lai Lok Yi - 1st brother - "Thousand Mile Eye"
    Lam Yuen Ying - 2nd brother - "Following Wind Ears"
    Jack Wu - 3rd brother - "Strong Man Three"
    Don Li - 4th brother - "Thick Skin Four"
    Nicky Lo Koon Fung - 5th brother - "Flying Five"
    Kwok Ching - 6th brother - " Metal Head Six"
    Matt Yeung - 7th brother - "Long Leg Seven"
    Russell Cheung Chi Heen - 8th brother - "Tunneling Eight"
    Cheung Wai - 9th brother - "Big Mouth Nine"
    Jaffrey Wong - 10th brother - "Crying Ten"

    Guest Appearances: Ai Wei, Johnson Lee, Jacky Wong - number 11 (did you know that he is Jaffrey's brother? Both of them are so cute ;-)

    What, when, where and who
    The story is base on a fantasy story. Kenix Kwok plays a rich man's daughter, who accidentally swallowed ten pearls, which leads to the birth of the ten brothers. At the time Kenix was pregnant, her father rejected her, everyone misunderstood her. Only Frankie Lam was willing to do anything to support her and help her. Frankie is a very poor guy, who sells sweet desert for living, he has a crush on Kenix ever since childhood. When Kenix was rejected by everyone, Frankie gave her the support she needed, so they end up live together, then 10 brothers were born.

    The ten brothers grew up in just one night, that scared Kenix and Frankie away. Jack Wu and Lam Yuen Ying got lost, and ending up at the villain's (Liu Kai Chi) family. The other eight brothers were making a mess at the village. Kenix and Frankie soon realized that they need to educate them and not treating them as monsters. They took the eight brothers to live at a different village, together they help the brothers become better people. Later, each of the brothers discovered that they all have their own unique skills, they began to accept and use their skills to help people.

    After some problems and difficulties, all ten brothers were finally reunited, but only found out the fact that they don't belong on earth...


    - Love Factor
    The skills
    The ten brothers each discovered their skills in a different way. It was really funny how they learn all the skills. They went through discovering the skills to scaring of the skills to accepting their skills and finally using their skills, the process is really interesting. It was also really funny when all of them grew up in just one night. They called out "Mom" and "Dad", Kenix and Frankie were scared away, that part just crack me out. Also when "Flying Five" found out he has wings, he thought he was becoming a chicken because he eat a chicken wing secretly. It was really funny to see him learning how to fly, especially when he was scared, he can just fly away. So cute! As for the other brothers, they all went through tough times to find their skills. Especially when they don't know how to use the skills correctly. I just think the learning process is really fun. Personally, I like Flying Five's skill the most, flying is a great skill to have. Just not too sure about that set of wings. I will accept the wings if they are white. Yellow is not a good color for wings, haha. Also, I like Crying Ten's skill as well, because I am an emotional cryer, but my tears don't heal disease, too bad. Sigh... As for the brothers, I like Don Li and Jaffrey Wong a lot, because they went through the worst times together when they discovered their skills. They were forced to show their skills to others. Poor brothers, they were stuck in a jail cell and showing their skills...

    The story
    If you treat the story as a fantasy tale, a great bed time story, a fun adventure, you will love the storyline very much. The story heavily concentrated on the development of the ten brothers. Not so much of action or love story. But development is always great. I love the way each brother develops. The story gets really really emotional towards the end, because the ten brothers don't belong on earth... I just hope to see more of the actions, as they using their skills to fight against the villains. Liu Kai Chi's villain role is a little bit too crazy to handle, but he also was "finished" too quick. If there are more actions, it will be much better.

    Lessons to be learned
    There are number of things you will get out from this series. First of all, don't judge on people by the way they look. When the ten brothers grew up in just one night, Kenix and Frankie thought they were monsters, so they abandoned them. Lesson 101, don't ever do that to your kids! No matter what they look like, don't ever reject them. The brothers without parents can easily become villains. Second of all, be a good parent. Eight of the brothers grew up with Kenix and Frankie, they all become great people. As for Jack Wu and Lam Yuen Ying, they grew up with the villain. There are times when Jack and Lam are destroying everyone's life. Luckily, they realized they were wrong, and finally reunited with Frankie and Kenix. Lesson 202, have a good growing environment for your kids!

    - Dislike Factor
    The villain
    I don't expect too much from a villain role in a fantasy story. Liu Kai Chi is a great actor, he is awesome, crazy enough to be a villain. But, the villain role in fantasy story is just stupid. I don't like the way he laughs, which makes me crazy. Also, the way he is "finished", just happened too soon and too strange.

    The hair style + the outfit
    Not sure why each brother has their own unique hair style and outfit. But, I don't like any of the hair style, nor the outfit. Especially Don Li's hair, he looks so strange with that hair!


    - Chemistry Factor
    Kenix Kwok + Frankie Lam
    It's cool to see real life couple as on screen couple. You can see why they meant to be with each other no matter if they are on screen or off screen. Especially when you are going through tough times, your love and support for each other is the best thing on earth. There is a scene when Kenix learned to let the ten brothers go, she broke down to tears. Frankie was comforting her, that was such an emotional scene. Frankie asked Kenix not to be sad in front of the ten brothers... gosh. why is this so emotional?!

    Chris Lai + Leila Tong | Jack Wu + Nancy Wu
    I have no idea what to say about this two couples. I can't say that they have no chemistry, because they do. But for some reason, the love story of this series is just too weak. Maybe, there wasn't enough time for them to develop any chemistry anyway. Plus, the ten brothers have to go away. They can't end up with anyone. So, I think the producer is not trying too hard to make the chemistry grow. For Chris and Leila, all they doing was to find Leila's father. For Jack and Nancy, all they wanted is to "fit" each other, because Nancy is rich and Jack is poor. There are nothing else to their chemistry.


    - The Performances
    Kenix Kwok always does great jobs, not bad for this series as well. Her emotional scenes are getting more and more emotional. Frankie Lam did an average job, for some reason, I just think he always act the same. As for the ten brothers, I personally think Jaffrey Wong act the best, I just like that kid so much, really cute, and every time he cry just feels so funny. Matt Yeung, Don Li and Jack Wu all did pretty good, but they don't get too many appearances.

    - Worth Watching?
    I believe if you watch the series, you will enjoy it. It is really entertaining, funny and yet very emotional. The ending reminds me of "Twin of Brothers" a little, but I still like the ending. Consider the fact that there aren't too many good endings out there. The story is pretty unique, creative enough that you will have you own fantasy going on. The love story and action parts weren't the major concern, overall, you will like the series.
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